Of course you want to know how much this uniquley located tropical beach apartment will cost to own. The direct answer is, “it’s cheap”, if you can even find a legally built residential rental property on a beach, near civilization, within a few meters of the sea anywhere in the world!
For over 20 years, since 2004, with improvements (excluding maintence),the property owner has invested around eight million Pesos and continues to enjoy the relaxing, stress free life of owning and living in a quite residential, secured property with enviable morning sunrises and full moons over the sea.
If the description of “lifestyle” fits your ideal future of peace and harmony, the price is cheap.We are selling a loving home which also provides a passive income.
The building does need some further investment to bring it into a more modern era and we understand that. However, we also well know the happiness and comfort this property has afforded us for the past 20 years. Raising children on a beach and sea front, the clean air they enjoy, the experience of living in harmony with neighbors and most of all, the security of owning a property in the Republic of the Philippines using the legal method of leasing land from a Filipino citizen. It’s not difficult with the right advice.
Make an offer! We are not in a hurry but don’t be ridiculous. Start with 10 Million Pesos and we will respond with our asking price. Send a message from the contact form to make an appointment for viewing and we will respond. We respect our tenants and need to notify them in advance before we enter their space. Let’s begin a conversation so we are both satisfied with our decisions.